The Green and White Challenge

A shout out to the WHITE TEAM for winning this year’s Green and White Challenge! White TeamNow what is the Green and White Challenge, you might ask? It is our first annual, three week long team building activity, in which we are split up into two teams and compete for the ultimate prize: bragging rights!

Challenge #1:  Photo Scavenger Hunt Challenge

We were given clues and had to run all over campus to take pictures of or find the answer. Winner: Green Team

Challenge #2: Water-Bucket Obstacle Course Challenge

Each team lines up with a bucket full of water at one end, and a table, baseball bat, and an empty bucket (spaced out) at the other end. The teammate closest to the water-filled bucket takes a cup, fills it, and passes it down the line until the last person receives it. Then they must go under the table, do five baseball bat turns, and put the remaining water into the empty bucket. Finally, they must run down to the beginning of the line, fill the cup, and pass it through, and so on and so forth.

Winner: White Team

Challenge #3: Puzzle Challenge

Teams must work with one another to put together a puzzle as fast as possible.

Winner: White Team

The Green TeamChallenge #4: String Challenge

Teams are given 30+ strings of various lengths and must tie them all together to form a giant string. Then they must spell out WC.

Winner: White Team

Challenge #5: Tire Challenge

For the final challenge, each team must flip a tractor tire down a straight away, carry it back (with every team member touching it), and then repeat it one more time.

Winner: Green Team

Feel free to check out more pictures of the Green and White Challenge on our Photos tab!

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